Friday 04 July 2025 – The Day before the race



First of all you'll have to go to Sulzano at the secretariat to collect the race pack. The race office is open from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm at the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Sulzano (Bs), in via Cesare Battisti, 91. Here it will be possible to collect the bibs and race pack. You will receive everything you need for the race: race pack, bib, race bags, cap, numbers, chrono-chip, buoy with bright light, etc..


TRANSITION ZONE 1 – bike check-in:

Once you have collected the race pack you can go to the T1 Transition Zone in Sulzano, next to the Race Office, to leave the bike and to deliver your race bags. The transition area will be open from 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm



On Friday, at the race office we’ll check your run-backpack with all the MANDATORY equipment (see the dedicated section). The check will be made for supporters too. A further stuff check (also for the supporters) will take place during the race in T2 in Pontedilegno, before the start of the run course. Any random checks can be carried out at any point on the route.



Upon registration you’ll receive 3 bags of different colors + 2 stickers for your two personal bags: (the T2 - Ponte di Legno bag for bike-run change, and for your finish line bag. It will be your responsibility to fill these bags with the material you need that will be useful during the race (see indication below). Four bags, (Bag 2, Bag 3, your personal bag for T2 and your personale bag for post-finish line), must be delivered to the bike check-in on Friday, in the transition area, by 6:00 pm. Bag 1 – T1  you will have to place it in your bike place in the transition area (you can do it on Saturday morning before departure).

The use of the intermediate bags (02 – Trivigno and 03 – Gavia) is optional.

The organization will provide for the handling of the bags so that you can use them in the various points of the route where they are expected to be used.

The bags used and left along the route, you will then find them all at the bike collection the day after the race, in Ponte di Legno.

How to organize the bags?

Bag 01 – T1 – GREEN: this is the only bag NOT to deliver to the organization. You have to use this bag for the swim-bike transition. You’ll leave that bag at the racks in transition zone with clothing for the bike section (on Friday evening or Saturday morning, as you prefer). At the end of the swimming you will take inside the bag your wetsuit, your swim glasses and all your swimming material. You will collect this bag along with the bike in Ponte di Legno, the day after the race.

Bag 02 – Trivigno – RED (only for The Stone). You will find this bag in Trivigno (km 97), on the route to passo Mortirolo. We suggest to use this bag for a jacket for Mortirolo descent, food and drinks. 

Bag 03 – Gavia – BLUE (only for The Stone)You will find this bag at the top of Passo Gavia (km 140). We suggest you take clothing to cover during the descent, water / drinks / mineral salts / gels and food. 

Bag T2 – LIGHT BLUE numbered sticker This is the bag for Transition 2 between bike and run. In this bag you have to insert all the equipment for the RUN course (running shoes, running clothes, backpack, etc.). You’ll find this bag at the T2 transition area in Ponte di Legno. Once the bag has been used, you can insert the material that will no longer be necessary after the bike (bike clothing, bike shoes, etc.). 

Bag Finish line – YELLOW numbered sticker. This bag must be a personal bag. You can fill with everything you need after arrival (clean and dry clothes for the post race…). It isn’t necessary the final bag is delivered to the organization. It can be managed and brought to the finish line by your companions that will wait for you at the Finish Line. Bags of athletes who won’t climb to Paradiso will be returned on Sunday morning to the bike withdrawal.



you will get athlete briefing by email some days before the race. During the last days we’ll plan an online Q&A session for tour last doubt.   





Saturday 05 July 2025 – Race day



The T1 transition area in Sulzano will open at 2:00 am and close at 3:15 am.



3:20 am: athletes boarding to the boat towards the starting point of the swimming leg. Boarding is a few meters from the transition area, at the port of Sulzano.



at 4:00 am on time, in the deep darkness of the night, THE STONE 2024 will be kicked off with the swimming fraction. The departure will take place from the water.



The T2 transition area will be placed in the center of Pontedilegno, Piazza XXVII Settembre.



During the BIKE course the following refreshment points are provided:

  • BRENO (43 km)
  • TRIVIGNO (97 km) (+ bag 2)
  • PONTE DI LEGNO (140 km)
  • PASSO GAVIA (158 km – only water) (+ bag 3)

At these aid stations you will find fruit, energy drink, water, coke, sweet food. In Pontedilegno you’ll find salt food too.    

For the RUN course the following refreshment points are provide

  • VALBIONE (km 17)
  • PONTE DI LEGNO (km 21)
  • località TONALINA (km 25)
  • TONALE (km 31)

At these aid stations you will find fruit, salts, water, coke, cake. In Ponte di Legno e Tonale salad food too.

At Passo del Tonale there’s the “advanced” Transition Zone – T3. It will be near the War Memorial. This is a LIFE BASE:

  • big refreshment point with hot broth, hot tea, salty food, sweet food, drinks, energy drinks
  • gazebo as locker room
  • timing check-point with cut-off at 9.00 o’clock
  • medical assistance with ambulance
  • comfortable for supporter to arrive by car



After the Finish Line, there will be dinner inside the Passo Paradiso refuge, for all participants (and supporters). You can then get off to Passo del Tonale with the cableway. From here it is not expected a transport for athletes to Ponte di Legno, so we advise you to organize a descent independently by agreeing with other athletes / supporters who can give you a ride.  




Sunday 06 July 2025 – Day after the race



from 9.15 am to 11.00 am you can collect the bike and the bags used during the race, Ponte di Legno primary school - via Nino Bixio n.42



for all participants at THE STONE, the awards ceremony will take place at 11:30 in Ponte di Legno, in Piazza XXVII Settembre. After the awards, there will be lunch at the Sporting Restaurant-Pizzeria in Ponte di Legno, via Venezia 46