I declare that I, as well as my Support Team, have read and read the Stone Rules of Competition.

I confirm to take part in the Stone competition as a conscious choice, free from any obligation or conditioning. I undertake to comply with the rules contained in the Rules of Competition, as well as the provisions and indications provided by the Race Organizers and communicated during the pre-race briefing. I am aware that any violation of these regulations and provisions will result in disqualification from the Stone race, without refund of the registration fee.

2) ETICHS Stone Brixia Man

I am aware that the race Stone is a sporting event for athletes united by a common passion for the sport, in all its different aspects and values ​​such as health, socialization, solidarity, nature, the environment, competition and fair play.

I am aware that the race route winds through paths in the most important natural areas of conservation and alpine, districts far from inhabited towns that deserve the utmost respect.

In accordance with the ethics of Stone, I therefore commit myself to:

– Respect myself and others participating athletes avoiding deceptive practices or harmful that could interfere on their performance before and after the race and throughout its duration and provide active support to any athlete in difficulty, indicating any emergency situation and / or hazard .

– Respect the people involved in the good functioning of the event as volunteers, i

supporters and the public, maintaining a collaborative approach.

– Comply with the surrounding environment, the nature, the flora and fauna avoiding any form of pollution and exclusively following the path indicated by the Organizers, avoiding any deviation or shortcut.


I am aware of the characteristics of the race, the route, the changes in altitude and the conditions of the roads and routes. I have read the Rules of the race and I know that I have to take part in all the compulsory briefings, where I will receive all the updates regarding the race

and / or routes.

In light of the above, I declare to be physically fit for the Stone race, having sufficient and suitable preparation for this type of race.

The decision to participate in Stone was taken under my sole and personal responsibility.

My psychophysical fitness has been certified by a doctor and I am aware that the organizers can not be held responsible for any errors or false statements regarding this certificate.

I am aware that I must be accompanied by a Supporter with the mandatory equipment required by the Rules of the race (under penalty of disqualification), during the last 12 km of the race, (except the last 100 meters) and I am also aware of the fact that the Supporter has the possibility of being present at the beginning of the race in Ponte di Legno (Brescia).


I agree to take part in the Stone race with adequate and safe equipment to face the characteristics of the race course.

I will be responsible for any damage caused by my equipment to myself, other people or objects.

I am personally and solely responsible for the equipment necessary for the race, as well as for his custody. I am aware that the Organizers will carry only the bags with the equipment strictly necessary for the transition zone and can not be held responsible for any items of value contained in such bag (such as mobile phones, smartphones, watches, electronic devices, etc.). .


I am aware of the characteristics and conditions of the route, of the overall height difference (over 6,000 meters) and of the risks and dangers that the path may entail.

Regarding the bike fraction of the race, and partly also the fraction of the race, I am aware that will take place on the roads where local traffic is not controlled, therefore I undertake to comply with all traffic regulations (Legislative Decree 285/1992 and further modifications and additions), and pay due attention. In addition, the race will take place off-road and on mountain trails where conditions could be very unfavorable.

I take full responsibility for all risks related to falls, collisions with other athletes, vehicles, pedestrians or objects along the way, for which the Organizers can not be held responsible.

It is my duty to know the competition field and the transition areas, which I accept as they were conceived by the Organizers, also participating in the briefings and asking

information locally. I agree to inform the Organizers immediately, either in person or through my support team, for any danger or risk that may be found along the route or in the transition areas.


I agree that my name, my image and my voice, collected at any time before, during or after the Stone competition can be used by the Organizers. Their use could include the creation of promotional videos, image galleries, audio reproductions and any other promotion, advertising or material related to the event. I authorize the processing of my personal data in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/03.


I hereby exonerate the Organizers from any responsibility for any consequences on my health and / or my personal effects or for any other damage that could result from taking part in this race, which I carry out under my sole responsibility and aware of the fact that serious risks to my health and safety (including death) can be ruled out as a result of the effort required to complete the race path or depending on the race course or weather conditions, or due to collisions and / or accidents.

Moreover, I exonerate the Organizers from any responsibility for any damages suffered by persons and / or objects as a consequence of my participation in this race and I undertake to reimburse or compensate the Organizers for any amount due to an unintended or malicious behavior (for example fines, penalties or damages), or in relation to any violation of laws or regulations.


I agree in advance any medical check-up or treatment that should become necessary during the event with any medical expenses charged to me, knowing that their cost is not included in the tuition fees and that the organizers do not provide insurance coverage for medical treatment. I also accept the possibility of being stopped during the race by a doctor and / or an organizer or staff member in case of presumed or potential risks to my health and safety.


I am aware that the Organizers, on the basis of their irrevocable judgment, can delay, modify or cancel the event, in case they believe that the safety of the race is compromised. This action can also be imposed by an authority, by force majeure or by any other reason that exceeds the responsibility of the Organizers, such as, for example, adverse weather conditions. In such cases, no refund of the registration fee will be provided.


All communications, requests or complaints concerning the Organizers must be addressed to the following e-mail address info@trioevents.it